
My first steps in python

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Python 2018

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Just a documentation of my first steps in python from 2018 on. It started with the workshop during the BeTogetherConverence at AIS on November 16, 2018.

January 2020

The first T400 robot is running with Micropython!

December 2019

Now python runs on esp8266 and esp32 as well. With REPL you see the result immideately.

It is also possible to compare the code in python and Arduino C accross devices.

Prime numbers to 10000

Time in milliseconds.

unit esp8266 esp32 esp32 raspberry pi 4 Xeon X5550
MHz 40 40 240 1400 3060
milliseconds 24746   8012 215 16
ms in C     2516    

Web server on esp8266 and esp32

Simple project, located in micropython/webserver and copied from RandomNerdTutorials it takes 10 minutes to create a local webserver:


December 2018

No need to install software, you can use python in a Jupyter notebook with graphical output. Here I used pyplot in this basic example.

November 2018

My first Hello World! and calculating prime numbers worked well.